Maglev Trains


Mr.R. Praveen Kumar



The maglev is the short form of “Magnetic Levitation”. The maglev train is most fastest transport system. This train is levitated from the track, by using the magnets or superconductors. So the speed of the train is higher than other transport systems because the train runs in total suspending manner. There is no friction between track and train, so force wants to move the train was reduced.

267 mph


375 mph


68 mph

South Korea

52 mph



The maglev train was developed by Eric Laithwaite. That is the world’s first commercial maglev train and it opened in 1984 in Birmingham. The train traveled only 600 meters at a speed of 42 km/h. It closed in 1995 because of reliability, design problems. The first patents for maglev is U.S patents for linear motor propelled train to German inventor Alfred Zehden. Electromagnetic transportation system patent by F. S. Smith. German patents for magnetic levitation trains to Hermann Kemper.



»  The magnets work as superconductors, this magnet is capable of cooling to lesser than -450 °C it is below zero.

» This magnet produces the magnetic fields up to 10 times stronger than ordinary electromagnets, because it has very low resistance, enough to suspend and propels a train.

» The superconductor magnet in train, it produces a magnetic field that repulse (oppose) the magnet in track.

»  So train levitate from track by Meissner effect. Propulsion creates the same to Ems. But the power required for propulsion is less.

India’s Maglev :

Raja Ramanna Center for Advanced Technology(RRCAT), Indore. Where India’s first maglev train prototype has been developed. It can able to run at a speed of 800 kmph.
